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Polytechnic of Sibenik

The Polytechnic in Sibenik was first established in 2006 and we have been educating young students (older than 18) in the fields of social and technical sciences of tourism, public administration, transport and informatics.
We have 1100 students and 50 members of the staff.

We offer undergraduate professional study programmes:

  1. Tourism management
  2. IT management
  3. Administrative law studies
  4. Traffic and transportation studies

Professional study programmes consist of 6 semesters ( 180 ECTS) an d after successfully finishing them, our students acquire a degree of professional graduates or baccalaureus of economy,
informatics, traffic or administration.

The Polytechnic aslo offers a specialist graduate professional study prograrnme that lasts two years (4 semesters): Graduate professional study ofmanagement (120 ECTS)
The objective ofthe Polytechnic is successful integration in the European educational space. We have therefore introduced internationally accepted norms and educational standard (ISO 900 l :2008, ESG) in our activities. lnvestment in our programmes, human and materia! resources has led to our programmes being recognized in ali Croatia with the wish to open new horizons and international exchange of students and teachers.

The aim of the institution is to provide programs of high quality that will enable responsible young experts to become the carriers of future development for the local, national and international
comrnunity especially since we are the only higher education institution int he county. W e have a very strong support from our City Council, Sibensko- kninska County, NGO sector
With the current changes in the world and new prospects in the European labor market, we hope to integrate our Faculty with other institutions in higher education, in Croatia but in Europe as well. 


Other activities of our organisation (e.g. areas of consultancy, publications, etc.):
The Polytechnic of Sibenik has been involved in the activities related to different cooperation with institutions on local and national leve!, such as other educational institutions in Croatia, bodies of local government, national parks. We have established partnership under ERASMUS and CEEPUS networks with centrai European universities and are currently working on the third one with our Adriatic partners. Furthermore, we have organized scientific and professional conferences related to various themes, workshops for the public and experts and informative lectures. We regularly publish collections of scientific and professional papers. Our students have organized themselves m their associations and have worked o n organization of intemational conferences o n tourism.




Director : lvan Malenica

Contact person: lvan Malenica

Position: Dean

Telephone: +385 914789991


Category of membership: Ordinary