2021 ENTO STUDYLAB “Local governance : what’s next?”
It is time to restart meeting!
One year later because of the pandemic Istituto della formazione continua, ENTO, and the partners of the Interreg Project “GovernaTIVA” are very happy to welcome you to the StudyLab 2021 in Ticino (Switzerland).
StudyLabs have always been events for meeting, visiting on field and sharing.
After Slavutich-Chernobil (Ukraine), Strasbourg (France)-Kehl (Germany) and Tbilisi (Georgia), this time it is up to Ticino (Switzerland) to host a new StudyLab.
As usual, the 2021 StudyLab focuses on a specific topic.
Today, it sounds useful to think about how local governance, and consequently training for local authorities, is going to change, considering lessons learned from the “stress test” represented by pandemic.
More info –> https://entostudylab.org/